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Human Resource

Where HR Meets the Future of Work Report

White Paper: The Ready

Why HR Desperately Needs a Rethink Organizations are like a human body. The brains—a.k.a. the strategy-focused C-Suite—reign over internal systems and plan. The legs are the teams executing daily operations, like production, sales, and accounting. The immune system prevents the body from getting sick or growing sluggish; IT secures data, legal protects against liabilities, and R&D finds ways to preserve long-term health. Humming alongside these functions is the nervous system, better known as human resources. Its branches include critical functions and activities like compensation and benefits, training and development, hiring and onboarding, conflict resolution, and risk management. But things don’t always go smoothly. The brain gets stuck in indecision. When the unexpected occurs (and it always does), the legs struggle to change course. Each part focuses so rigidly on its own tasks that coordination becomes a challenge, hindering forward movement. And despite—or perhaps because of—its centralized role, HR’s nervous system is often among the body’s greatest vulnerabilities. Tasked with both delivering strategic partnership to internal clients and operational support for employees, despite these directives requiring very different (if not downright conflicting) ways of working, HR finds itself overloaded without the infrastructure needed to meet its multipronged mandate. The net result: A body lacking the ability to clear obstacles—one that relies so heavily on muscle memory that innovation or improvement is hard to achieve. (Ever watched your organization repeat an annual process that doesn’t work? Us, too.) This stuckness invariably leads to missteps, and even the occasional faceplant. But HR also holds the possibility of a new operational model, one that embraces mission-driven, cross-functional coordination with an emphasis on experimentation, adaptivity, data literacy, and automation—and can nimbly shift its approach as it’s fed new insights. It starts with reimagining the role HR plays, then spreading the transformation across other internal functions. HR’s diversity of directives may be the Achilles heel of the familiar body-like model of operations, but it’s also its superpower. HR is uniquely positioned to usher in real change—the kind that increases efficiency, strengthens agility, creates value, and fosters a way of working that feels human and meaningful.

Learning in the flow of work

White Paper: Mentessa

What is learning in the flow of work? The term “learning in the flow of work” was coined in 2018 by analyst and author Josh Bersin. It refers to a learning experience which is not separated from work or the workplace in the way that formal classroom training is. Instead, learning is available on demand as employees go about their daily work tasks. This new paradigm in corporate L&D recognizes that for learning to really happen, it must fit around and align itself to working practices. For example, imagine a software engineer who has a specific question about a programming language they have just started using, or a compliance officer who needs to recall a step in a recently-introduced procedure. Or perhaps, a junior employee who is working on a stretch assignment and needs help with a task they have never done before. In all three cases, learning in the flow of work is just the kind of help needed. With the right kind of support, each employee can access a short piece of learning content that delivers the required information. The on-demand assistance means employees can quickly gain valuable new skills and solve problems without having to take time away from their roles. As already mentioned, two defining features of LIFOW experiences are their on-demand availability and relatively short duration. Another third common factor is technology. Learning in the flow of work will not be possible without the modern advances in computing, mobile technologies and AI. Finally, some may assume that LIFOW makes employees so self-sufficient that they no longer need to rely on their peers or managers for help. Such an assumption is wrong. People learn more effectively3 when interacting with others. In addition, employee-generated content is proving very useful in corporate training. This is why learning in the flow of work and a connected learning culture go hand-in-hand.   

en world Japan White Paper 2022

White Paper: En World

While there was optimism that 2021 would see the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and a return to normalcy, unfortunately, the multiple new variants of the virus and subsequent responses by governments around the world continued to disrupt day-to-day life. However, optimism for 2021 was not entirely misplaced, as the business world continued to adjust to the new climate and to new working styles. The global economy—as well as those of the major industrialized nations, including Japan—saw recovery and GDP growth. The economic recovery, combined with persistent job growth—despite a talent shortage in Japan—has meant considerable demand for recruitment and talent acquisition-related services. This year should see further optimism, as vaccines and boosters are widely administered and COVID-19’s impact on public health is minimized. Despite the uncertainty due to various geopolitical and socioeconomic factors, this should positively impact the economy and job market, and economic forecasts indicate continued growth and recovery. It is reasonable to expect that, in 2022, companies in Japan will try to capitalize on economic recovery, which should mean a buoyant job market in general, as competition for top talent increases. This year, companies will need to pay close attention to job seekers’ expectations, as well as to the engagement and retention of key employees. Finding the right balance between flexibility, particularly in companies’ requirements for in-person work, and office environments’ attractiveness to employees is more important than ever. Management will need to explore new ways to onboard new hires, cultivate company culture, and promote collaboration in hybrid environments that combine both physical and virtual interaction. Those companies that can offer the best working environments, employee engagement, and development opportunities, as well as financial and nonfinancial benefits, will gain an edge in what is sure to be fierce competition for talent. Job seekers in 2022 will find a favorable market. Although the “Great Resignation”—a phrase that has become common parlance globally—has not been as extreme in Japan, there is still an increased willingness within the labor force to consider new opportunities, and this trend is sure to continue. Bilingual talent with highly specialized skills will continue to be sought after and, while these candidates will command premium compensation, other factors related to employee engagement, such as health, safety, and employee well-being, will be key considerations as well. Also, Japan has not shifted to a “gig” economy to the same degree as other industrialized countries have, but there has been an increasing trend of workers migrating away from metropolitan centers and looking for more flexibility, in terms of working hours and location as well as employment type. As a result, it is likely that contract and freelance employment arrangements will continue to grow at an accelerated rate. Going forward, en world will continue to focus on our mission of enabling our customers’ success. We will continue to take a more consultative approach with our clients and candidates, aiming to tailor our services to their specific needs, given the variety and flexibility of the services we can offer. By finding creative opportunities across our permanent, contract, and recruitment process outsourcing services, as well by leveraging HR technologies across the en Japan group, we aim to meet whatever talent needs our clients may have and to provide the best opportunities to the candidates who place their trust in us.

Evaluating Your Wellbeing Platform

White Paper: Synegry Health

INTRODUCTION There seems to be an influx of online workplace wellbeing initiatives coming into the marketplace. This has been driven by organisations wanting to take a proactive approach in response to COVID-19. Organisations understand that employees’ wellbeing is being compromised as they have become more isolated, had to adapt to new ways of working / living, and in some instances, coping with new financial pressures. Proactive organisations understand that their employees are likely to become increasingly sedentary, their eating habits are likely to change, and their sleep could become compromised due to the increase in stress and anxiety. With an influx of online wellbeing offerings, it is important for organisations to know that not all wellbeing platforms are the same. To truly have an impact on behaviour, organisations must treat wellbeing like any other behaviour change initiative. A more strategic, long term approach must be taken rather than ad hoc one-off programs. With the increasing rate of technological development, platforms are becoming more sophisticated, easier to implement and are achieving better outcomes in the short term and long term, for both organisations and their employees. Before signing up to an online wellbeing initiative, ask the following questions to help ensure you are getting a platform that is going to meet your organisations current and future

Employee Engagement: The Key To Your Business's Success

White Paper: Veriday

It is just a simple yet often avoided fact that happy employees means happy customers. A great number of businesses take the time to acknowledge their customers' needs, but fail to consider carefully what is important to their employees. Employee engagement is an important tool for driving business growth and success, and it commences at the top. Business leaders must set the precedent for driving engagement, and a thoughtful and considerate workforce may still be the most important motivator for workforce engagement. This white paper explores the potential of an employee engagement and how it will engage employees on a whole new level. Download this guide now to discover: How Employee Engagement Drives Business Success How an Employee Portal Can Impact Engagement Important Benefits of a Highly Engaged Workforce How a Veriday Employee Portal Can Transform Your Business

Office employees are like professional athletes

White Paper: BakkerElkhuizen

Today’s office employees are faced with the pressure of having to do increasingly more during their workday. At the same time, they are assuming more responsibilities that require more of their problem-solving and creative capabilities. Recovery is very important for pro athletes, but what does this mean for office employees? This whitepaper focuses on practical ways that organizations and their office employees can use insights gleaned from professional sports in order to improve work performance and give employees time for achieving goals in their private lives. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: Improving the performance of office employees How important is mental rest for office employees? Encouraging peak performance levels among office employees

Managing the safety, health and security of mobile workers: An occupational safety and health practitioner’s guide

White Paper: The International SOS Foundation And IOSH

Ensuring health and security of workers are complex and ever-evolving subjects, encompassing medical, legal, security, business continuity, financial and reputational considerations. There is a need to have clear organizational policies and strategies in place as well as competent individuals to manage the travel security, health and safety for all travelers with a view to reducing risks and promoting the health, safety, security and well-being of an ever-increasing and varied mobile workforce. This white paper sets out the health, safety and security responsibilities of organizations for internationally-mobile workers. It covers the need to: - Have a health and safety policy in place that includes travel safety, health and security and to make sure these policies are actively enforced - Carry out risk assessments in order to understand properly the relative security, health and safety  risks that will apply to employees while they are abroad, tailored to the specific circumstances of the business trip or international assignment - Ensure that a system is in place to be able to pinpoint employees’ location in order to ensure their safety  

Providing a total workers comp solution

White Paper: Zywave

As a broker in a shifting P&C market, it is important to focus on providing a complete solution in the workers’ compensation arena to help clients improve their business and lower costs, and not only on coverage and obtaining the best price for your client. The traditional “bid and quote” mentality should be thrown out the window; the most successful brokers are adopting the role of trusted advisor to their clients, providing not only coverage, but resources to help curb incidents, manage losses and eventually reduce the client’s mod and therefore, their premium. This whitepaper highlights on providing worker’s compensation solution in a shifting P&C market. Key takeaways from this whitepaper on work comp solutions : Bid and quote? Not anymore. Four elements of a mod analysis The impact of losses Client education and safety program implementation

Human Resource Document Management Technology: Finding the Right Solution

White Paper: ACCESS

With increasing awareness of the security and governance risks posed by physical HR files, companies are looking for ways to efficiently convert all of their existing paper records into digital documents, in order to start down a new path that’s exclusively digital. There are no upfront capital expenditures for equipment and technology licenses, and there is no delay for provisioning the platform, with a SaaS solution. This whitepaper talks about the advantages of converting from old paper-based human resources document processes to a more modern digital approach. It discusses: What is the best approach to going paperless for HR Document Management? Determination of the goals of the project and the anticipated benefits Achieving a meaningful business impact requires more than a simple paper to digital conversion Evaluation of each of the alternative approaches


White Paper: AltaFlux

Human resources departments are not being spared in the revolutionary change of the digital age, and for savvy leaders, this creates a ripe opportunity to transition from a support function to a business partner. HR leaders have the ability to shift their positions in organizations from that of a tactical support function to a dynamic and critical business partner. This whitepaper highlights 5 tips to make the transition of HR leaders from support function to strategic leader. It includes: Make a strategic roadmap with supporting detail that will position you as the HR leader Create engagement plans for different generations customized with Digital HR Technology Start moving to the Cloud-With core HR functions Get out into the business-Translate them back to the human capital management strategy Be solutions oriented-HR departments can be a helping hand by being the source of solutions

Critical Factors to Consider When Evaluating a Human Capital Management (HCM) System

White Paper: SyncHR

Human Capital Management is defined as the process of managing an organization’s employees for them to contribute significantly in the overall productivity of organization. Organizations have their pick of these HCM solutions is making the decision of ‘which is the best’ for your organization a challenging one. As the digital HR is a top priority and with this surge of understanding for the growing importance of digital HR, it must be acknowledged that choosing the right HCM platform is equally important. This whitepaper highlights the 7 critical factors that must be considered when evaluating a Human Capital Management (HCM) System that would most enhance your human capital processes and support your strategies. Some of them are: Native Cloud-Based Design for the simplification of the deployment of an HCM system HCM Systems must be Ecosystem Friendly - API Integration with Third Party Applications Automatic Calculations & Real-Time Responses- Right HCM platform must support these calculations BONUS ITEM – Reporting & Analytics These key functionalities are most important and when you put them together in an innovative and intuitive way, it transforms your entire approach to human capital management.

Merging Mobile & Social to Tackle the Talent Shift

White Paper: People Scout

To tackle the talent shift, the marketplace has begun to scratch the proverbial surface of possibilities around merging social media and mobility as there are uncharted methods waiting to be uncovered. The current talent landscape is rapidly changing to include more young people and “sophisticated jobseekers” that are well versed in today’s mobile technology, and employers must be aware of mobile methods of job-hunting if they wish to recruit these valuable tech-savy individuals. Read this insightful whitepaper to find out how your company can use mobile and social platforms to find today’s top talent. It focuses on: Effective mobile optimization: To guide the clients through the shift in the recruiting climate Engaging social media presence: To transform and enhance employer branding Merging mobile & social platforms: To ensure that a talent strategy remains progressive The recruiting market is full of new talent who are well versed in today's mobile and social technology. Learn how to attract them using these strategies and the methods that bridge the mobile-social gap.

Putting People at The Center of Technology Design

White Paper: Ultimate Software

This whitepaper explains the main drivers behind Ultimate’s people-first technology strategy and architecture, and how its approach is improving the work experiences for its customers and their employees. Read this whitepaper to learn about the challenges in employee engagement like: • Company-wide commitment to simplifying and improving work experiences for  all employees • Continually evolving development approach that enables Ultimate to easily adapt UltiPro to changing market and customer demands • Use of cutting-edge user experience and development techniques and technologies • Empowerment of internal development teams through flexibility, collaboration, and autonomy • Partnerships with customers that includes them in the design process

6 Steps to Performance Management Best Practice:A Practical Guide

White Paper: Cornerstone OnDemand

Introducing a Performance Management strategy to your organization is an essential step in achieving organizational maturity.  When effectively implemented, performance management best practices result in a wide range of benefits for employees, managers and companies. This whitepaper aims to provide not-for-profit agencies in the community-based employment and training sector with a practical approach for implementing performance management best practices in their organization. It addresses questions like: What are the goals for adopting a strong performance management system? What are the objectives of effective performance management? What are the different phases of performance management cycle? What are the guidelines to improve the performance management processes at your organization?

Getting Started with Learning Management :Develop Employees to Grow Your Company

White Paper: BigDog HR

When employees are fully engaged with the company and where it is going, they are more likely to stay and their performance will continue to improve. As is often the case, employees and employers can have different views of company initiatives like learning. While companies see it as a great opportunity, it’s possible that your employees may see it as a negative. When not met with a good attitude, engagement can be extremely low. Read this informative whitepaper to read more .

Real-time Engagement: A Modern Approach to Better Workplaces

White Paper: HighGround

Executives, managers, and HR leaders are all overwhelmed with information about how to engage employees in a meaningful way, with countless educational sessions, webinars, books and blog posts. But engagement hasn’t changed much since it became a focus.Employee engagement should be a consistent, ongoing exercise. Read this whitepaper that illustrates: • The failure of the current approach • Why real-time engagement propels business value • The three most important pieces of successful engagement • How to drive strategy through data

Top 5 Ways to Maximize ROI Post FSM Deployment

White Paper: ServicePower

Field service management solutions are designed to address these core field service problems, a transparent and guaranteed return on investment (ROI) is promised by vendors. Choosing the right solution will allow you to reap the benefits and maximize your earnings at the same time. What’s inside this whitepaper?? FIELD SERVICE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE AND ROI ISSUES THAT REDUCE FSM ROI MAXIMIZE YOUR FSM ROI WITH THESE 5 EASY ACTIONS  

The “Total Recognition” Solution: Why It’s The Only Starting Point Worth Considering

White Paper: Madison

This white paper makes the case for the “Total Recognition” solution–a more balanced and complete implementation philosophy that from day one will afford a comprehensive answer to enterprise recognition. It examines the contemporary role of some of the more common recognition concepts including service awards, above and beyond initiatives, peer-to-peer programs and President’s Awards, and outline how they work to motivate certain employee audiences. It highlights where those schemes are effective and also point out why those components alone fall short in their quest to appreciate, inspire and honor every employee’s contribution at key moments.

Conducting An Employee Engagement Survey:Who to Survey, What to ask, When to Initiate

White Paper: Quantum Workplace

In order to effectively measure employee engagement, you need to analyze your current employee data to ensure in-depth results? Are you asking the right questions? Is your survey date optimal for employee participation? Your organization’s engagement won’t improve if you don’t do something about it. It’s time to take action.  Gather employee feedback, analyze in-depth results, and make work awesome!Read this whitepaper to know more.. Inside this whitepaper : WHO DO I SURVEY FOR THE MOST EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK? HOW DO I SET UP EMPLOYEE DATA? WHAT QUESTIONS ACCURATELY MEASURE ENGAGEMENT? WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO SURVEY? WHO SHOULD CONDUCT MY SURVEY?

All About Millennials: Crossing A Multi-Generational Talent Pool

White Paper: People Scout

Recruiting and retaining millenials has become challenging for the companies today. Many avenues are available for organizations to increase their awareness of Millennials’ needs. Millenials: Who are they and why should employers care about them? Millenials are the young individuals who possess unique characteristics that can strengthen workforces and bring new insight to organizations. Companies working with Millenials will find themselves with a productive workforce and the opportunities to develop the next generation of leaders. This descriptive whitepaper on ''MILLENNIALS'' highlights: Recruiting strategies for Millennials:How to attract and keep top Millennial talent to your business? Retaining Millennials in the workplace:What are some suggestions for retaining the best of the Millennial generation? How Millennials are disrupting the workforce — for the better? What are the steps taken by the leading companies to ensure Millennials maximize their productivity? Download this whitepaper to know more about the keys to grow and succeeding in an increasingly competitive global marketplace by recruiting and retaining millenials.

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