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Knowledge Management

Classification of Information: Accuracy of Classification Models

White Paper: ABBYY

Squaring the Classification Circle with ABBYY Smart Classifier Classification of information to organize large data sets is a critical tool in the drive to business value. So why is it that CIO’s desperately want to classify their information, but are not implementing and taking advantage of it? Read this informative whitepaper on ''Classification of the Information'' to learn how information can be classified in a number of ways to provide a better understanding of data. It highlights various topics related to ''Classification of Information'': A single integrated environment to manage all aspects of information classification Easy-to-use Model Editor to guide users through classifying information workflow Automatic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for all document images for accurate classification of information High-performance text-based classification and Enhanced semantic-based classification  Accurate classification: Criteria to decide what and how text-based information should be migrated or discarded. Download this whitepaper to understand more about Classifying information and testing the accuracy of Classification Models . 

Knowledge Management in Companies

White Paper: Censhare

How can companies share knowledge instead of just collecting information? Knowledge management in companies is far more than the administrating and managing information or especially documents, and pertains equally to internal collaboration as well as to external communication. Knowledge management must be anchored in the company as a strategic task! Download this whitepaper and discover how you can unlock the valuable knowledge trapped within your company through knowledge management processes. It focuses on: Role of effective knowledge management in companies- What should the organization do to manage knowledge effectively Success criteria for effective knowledge management Common Challenges faced while implementing knowledge management Benefits of integrating knowledge management in a comapany Managing the processes to get the right knowledge form your company's data This whitepaper will help you understand the power of knowledge management in companies and equip you with the tools needed to deliver that power and augment the intelligence of your organization. 

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