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Dos and Don'ts of Evaluating and Deploying a CDN

White Paper: Limelight Networks

As businesses continue to expand their online reach globally, individual user experience is one of the most important factors for building audience satisfaction and driving revenue. But whether you are delivering videos, web content or even files, ensuring engaging online experiences from an increasing variety of devices around the world, is a huge challenge. Organizations have a number of methods for improving user experiences, one of which is leveraging a content delivery network (CDN). But not all CDNs deliver the same level of service. This guide will provide some tips on how to determine what is most important to your organization and how to choose a CDN that meets your needs. In this whitepaper you will learn:  ■ What to consider when evaluating content delivery solutions  ■ Why speed alone isn’t an accurate measure of performance  ■ How to decide what is most important to your organization

RAN Virtualization Goes Beyond C-RAN with RF Routing

White Paper: Dali Wireless

Radio Access Network (RAN) virtualization is a highly disruptive technology that will radically impact how wireless services are delivered. It will change the current ecosystem and market structure. RAN Virtualization will allow mobile operators to provide greater value to win and retain customers, reduce production cost per megabyte, and utilize available resources more efficiently. This whitepaper discusses the benefits and uses of RAN virtualization, and outlines how RF Router enables RAN Virtualization. Major trends driving in-building and high traffic density zone wireless Total market potential for equipment employing RAN virtualization RAN virtualization defined RF distribution enabling the concepts of a virtualized Radio Access Network architecture Virtualization is altering the way MNOs plan and roll out new services by providing a scalable, on demand alternative to the traditional architecture. 

Trends and Directions in Data Center Interconnect: A Survey of Optical and Packet Mode Networking Practices

White Paper: ACG Research

Today with the ever increasing demand of the data center and network virtualization for information and communication technology services delivery has led Data Center Interconnect (DCI) to become an important aspect of service providers’ network architectures, enabling resiliency, load-sharing, and distributed workloads. Data Center Interconnect is also becoming a way to connect data centers in a cloud of virtualized compute and storage using SDN to automatically allocate resources as required. This whitepaper on “Trends and Directions in Data Center Interconnect: A Survey of Optical and Packet Mode Networking Practices”: Provides insight into existing data center practices as well as future practices Investigates the trends and directions that service providers are taking in the deployment of their data center interconnect market and solutions Connected directly with service providers utilizing DCI equipment or planning to deploy such equipment to interconnect their data centers in the next 12 months. 

Managing Third Party Contractors in Network Management :Seven Deadly Sins

White Paper: ServicePower

Network Management: How can you manage the third party contractors? Deploying third party contractors into labor equation can benefit business analyst organizations to a maximum level. Third party contractor management facilitates reduce costs, gain higher margins, have shorter cycle times and provide high levels of customer service, without any high costs. Managing third party contractors is associated with recruiting, training and managing more employees, in cyclical businesses where demand varies. This whitepaper on third party contractor management gives you insights on: What are the technologies required when managing the third party independent contractors? How does the lack of end-to-end business management lead to higher costs and inefficiency in third party network management? What are the 7 mistakes you could possibly make when managing third party contractors? Don’t fall victim to one of these deadly sins while your third party network management.

RFID and Asset Management

White Paper: E-ISG Asset Intelligence LLC

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has evolved significantly, from a niche technology to a widely adopted asset tracking and identification solution for better RFID asset management. RFID technology is providing new levels of visibility, enabling new applications and opening new markets. This white paper on RFID technology provides insights on how RFID asset management have solved problems that previously had no solutions enabling businesses to analyze the data and make decisions quickly to improve asset performance and operational efficiency. Key takeaways from this white paper: What is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)? How are RFID tags different from regular barcodes? What should you be looking for when you have decided to use RFID asset tracking technologies? What does RFID mean for enterprise asset management? What are the services provided by RFID asset tracking technologies?

Education Network Security

White Paper: ENA

Education network security is highly essential. Why is education network security so important? With increasing threats to education network security, it is imperative that school districts implement stringent security practices to protect their students, staff members, and networks from virtual intruders. Security incidents are inevitable and that it is not a matter of if, but when an incident will occur. So, how can you improve the school district network security? Developing a comprehensive, district-wide network security strategy calls for adopting a cross-functional team approach. Every department should be engaged in the safe and secure operations of a school district network as every department is at risk. What common threats are education networks facing and where are they most vulnerable? This white paper provides an insight into potential network security threats impacting today’s education network. It also shares key considerations and best practices every school district can implement for improving their network security as well as preparedness when an incident does occur. It also enlists the key considerations for School District Network Security such as: Policies and Procedures. Communications and Professional Development. Prevention Measures. Incident Response Plan and Mitigation Strategies. Download this white paper now as it provides the district technology staff with the blueprint they need to create an effective and impactful approach to safeguarding their network security.

The Evolution to Local Content Delivery

White Paper: PeerApp

Local content delivery is advancing to go beyond content caching to include other capabilities that optimizes network for quality and cost. Local content delivery offers an open CDN-like layer that sits within and augments next generation broadband networks, resolving the performance and scale bottlenecks seen in today’s global content delivery platform. Read this “The Evolution to Local Content Delivery” whitepaper that will give you everything you need to get started with the local content delivery solutions that offers an open platform augmenting broadband networks to accelerate Internet content delivery. What this whitepaper covers? Local Content Delivery: Benefits the Entire Value Chain Local Content Delivery: A Platform that Supports Market Evolution Local Content Delivery: Basis for monetization of OTT traffic

Your Cloud Strategy Demands a Strong Network Strategy

White Paper: Frost & Sullivan

Cloud computing has completely redefined the IT buying process for enterprise IT managers. With Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings, enterprises can procure compute and storage resources in a pay-as-you-go model. Similarly, enterprises can deploy applications and services faster by purchasing pre-configured platforms that run on third-party Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings. However, the simplest and the quickest option for deploying cloud-based services is through the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, in which enterprises can purchase the entire application or service, on-demand.

The Efficiency of the Virtustream muVM

White Paper: VirtuStream

First, what is Virtustream µVM? Virtustream µVM resource management is the company’s patented cloud resource management technology. A µVM is a standardized, fine-grained bundle of computing resources that allows accurate provisioning and management of cloud resources . Read this informative whitepaper to learn how Virtustream µVM cloud resource management enables true consumption pricing and billing. It highlights the significant advantages of Virtustream cloud resource management’s true consumption-based approach over the allocation-based method of other clouds: Reduced Cost based on true consumption during cloud resource allocation Simplified application and infrastructure planning for cloud resource management Improved performance with smart resource pooling using Virtustream’s cloud computing resource management software. Unified measurement and billing for all resources allocation in cloud computing

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