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Viral Marketing

Understanding The Expanding Benefits Of Marketing With Video

White Paper: Aberdeen Group

Video is a powerful medium that can be used to address a wide range of business challenges. While video’s use in business may start with simple marketing videos, it has the potential to do so much more. Marketing with video is unlike marketing with any other tactic, tool, technology, or channel. This whitepaper explores the impact of marketing with video – not only in terms of marketing performance, but with regard to the business as a whole. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: How to extend video’s value to the organization at large, optimize the technologies that integrate with or amplify video-based interactions How to stay ahead of the curve on effective video deployments Four general categories the marketing initiative adoption rates roll into

2 Surprising Truths About Viral Content (And 2 Things It Means For Your Business!)

White Paper: DATUM

Viral content is contagious and the persuasion of viral marketing has an enormously strong pull.The goal of viral marketing is to create vcontent that goes viral and it spreads quickly via social media and is viewed, read and shared hundreds or thousands of times. But does creating viral content can benefit your products and services? Will the audience enjoy a little bit of purposeful viral marketing? Focusing on creating highly valuable and useful content that caters to audience’s needs should be main goal. When it comes to viral content and marketing, the ability to gauge your audience is extremely important. This white-paper focus on highlighting some truths about the anatomy of viral content including the topics such as: Setting the realistic goals and reasons for creating a viral content What’s the difference between viral marketing and viral content? Why Viral Marketing can be dishonest? Does viral content provide more value to the customers?

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