White Paper: MuleSoft
Microservices are not a cure-all that will solve all of your problems, it is actually an architecture designed to overcome obstacles that, when deployed correctly, will produce certain desired results. Instead of adopting microservices as a singular approach — which would defy the point of the architecture, considering microservices as a series of overlapping patterns is a better option which you can pick and choose to adopt depending on your own situation. This whitepaper highlights taxonomy of microservices patterns that have been practiced in the wild. It also provides insights on establishing the right microservices architecture in your organization Key takeaways from this whitepaper: Introductory Microservices Patterns Key strengths of microservice architectures Managed State Patterns Foundational best practices for establishing the microservices patterns
White Paper: Akana
Why should businesses care about Microsevices? Microservices have become an important aspect in business, as they are gaining traction, making headlines and stimulating new thinking about how to organize application architecture. The Microservices Architecture offers IT organizations a great deal of potential for agility and cost reduction due to their granularity and reuse. This whitepaper looks at how Microservices work and offers some thinking on how to make the most of them, in business terms while retaining their inherent technological advantages. It highlights the following points by providing answer to why business should care about Microsevices? How to implement Microservices? What are the benefits of deploying Microservices architecture? What are the reasons to transition to Microservices architecture? How Microservices are different from Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)? How Microservices are different from APIs?