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Energy Efficiency

2021 Renewable Energy Market Analysis

White Paper: Nrg

In 2020, global renewable electricity sources grew at their fastest pace in 20 years, with immense renewable development expected to continue.1 Increasing 10% year-over-year, Q1 2021 was the strongest quarter on record for renewable installations. Rapidly improving technology, consumer and business demand for clean power, and policy support drove industrywide growth for wind, solar, and energy usage. Both public policy initiatives and voluntary purchasing by corporate buyers drives demand for renewables. Across the US, 38 states have some form of clean energy goals in place, nine of which are for 100% renewable energy by 2050. These renewable targets are only continuing to expand, with many states increasing their targets. Additionally, companies are facing pressure from their shareholders, customers, and employees to reduce emissions and procure renewable energy. Most recently, in a historic climate court case, Royal Dutch Shell was ordered to limit its greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels.2 New climate goals are announced almost daily. Despite the unprecedented events of last year, 2020 was still a record year for corporate renewable procurements, with over 10,000 MW in the US. Despite these long-term tailwinds, many projects are experiencing short-term headwinds that increase pricing to potential corporate partners. This white paper will explore current market dynamics affecting utility-scale renewable energy project developments. The NRG Trading Advisors LLC (NTA) team has experience contracting and structuring over 4,000 MW of renewable, utility-scale transactions, and is advising multiple Fortune 500 companies on their energy and sustainability goals through the use of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA). NTA expects the recent runup in VPPA pricing to start reversing course in the next 12 months and is therefore recommending a more patient approach to VPPA procurements for those with flexibility in their timelines. For customers with near term goals, the challenge is to find the needle in the haystack and structure the deal accordingly. Typically, in these cases, customers should prepare their management teams to expect greater economic risks.

Power Supply Testing: 400 Hz Operation

White Paper: Crystal Group

All of the power supplies tested passed the thermal, stress test, and low/high voltage operation criteria at 440 Hz. However, there is one very important parameter that must be considered in deeming a power supply appropriate for operation in a 400 Hz environment. This parameter is known as power factor, commonly abbreviated as PF. The higher the PF (desired), the lower the reactance and the more current is in phase with the voltage. The lower the PF (undesired), the higher the reactance and the more out of phase is the current with respect to the voltage. The purposes of this whitepaper are: to provide confidence in claiming compliant operation outside the stated vendor specifications, namely at 400 Hz, suitable for use with airborne power buses to provide compliance with margin and eliminate borderline passing scenarios to provide insights on the supplies that are 400 Hz compatible

Understanding Power Consumption in Digital Electronics

White Paper: Crystal Group

In digital electronics, effective thermal management comprises a vast number of design considerations that must be accounted for before fielding computational hardware for low maintenance installations into high stress environments and operating conditions. Simply powering on a server and measuring the current without taking these variables into consideration will almost always result in misleading data that could lead to system design issues that drive confounding perplexity under different operating, environmental, and/or randomly due to die variations. This whitepaper describes the various physical properties of semiconductor technology that contribute to power consumption in digital processors and supporting chipsets found in computational server hardware. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: Contributors to power consumption and dissipation Total power as a function of static and dynamic power Die to die variation and utilization

Energy-as-a-Service: The Next Big As-a-Service Play

White Paper: Current By GE

Energy-as-a-service is the newest entrant to the as-a-service business model, and it is redefining how businesses think about their relationship with energy. Energy-as-a-service delivers value at scale. It not only curbs one of business’ biggest operational costs – energy - but uses energy infrastructure to drive value, even as needs change over time. Read this insightful whitepaper to learn how energy-as-a-service is the key to unlocking other benefits beyond energy, providing a compelling way forward. It addresses questions like: How leveraging multiple technologies makes as-a-service solutions appealing? What are the ways in which the companies are changing their relationship with energy in the new energy-as-a-service model? How the growth of as-a-service models is setting the stage for companies to improve how they think about energy use? It’s time for energy-as-a-service!!!

Next Generation Digital Control for District Heat Networks

White Paper: PassivSystems

Creating a Smart District Heat Network is far from simple, and requires input not only from heating experts, but also from IT specialists and financial consultants. Between integrating renewable energy resources into existing systems to using information and communication technology, district heat operations are set for change.  In this informative paper, innovative technologies and advanced system concepts in district heating are described for heat distribution and end user utilization. It aims to provide background materials and cutting edge knowledge for designers and decision makers in the building and district energy sector. What are the requirements of a smart heating control system for district heat networks? What is the role of district heating in future renewable energy saving? What are the benefits of having a smart District Heat network? What is the average cost of heat for the range of district heating options and stand-alone renewable heat technologies with electric and gas heating? How return on investment in a district heat network can be improved? Read this whitepaper that highlights a next generation heat network modeling and optimization platform that improves performance, delivers annual OPEX savings, and empowers customers.

Broadband Energy Crisis: Improving the Energy Efficiency

White Paper: Alpha Technologies

Embracing the Challenges of Broadband Energy Crisis Key components to improve energy efficiency are technologically advanced and more efficient power supplies that can help in reducing energy consumption . Even though the broadband industry is largely focused on the rapid global expansion of broadband networks and its offerings, growing broadband energy consumption has not gone unnoticed. This whitepaper on ''Broadband Energy Crisis'' covers: Growing Demand to manage Energy Crisis: Decreasing energy consumption and energy costs Improving Line Efficiency: Reduce energy waste to improve energy efficiency Output Voltage and Regulation: To reduce network cable loss Improving Inverter Efficiency: Increases battery run-time and reduces battery string count Power Supply Monitoring: Optimization of the power supply and the broadband network Read this insightful whitepaper that brings you the ways to improve energy efficiency and embrace the challenges of broadband energy crisis.

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