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Electronic signature

SIGNiX: Independent vs. Dependent E-Signatures

White Paper: SIGNiX

E-signature evidence is vital for transactions, especially important for highly regulated industries, including financial services, healthcare and government that place a heavy emphasis on security, compliance and data privacy. E-signatures are proven to save money, generate efficiency, improve document accuracy and enhance security. Are you using a vendor free e-signature? Does it offer independent evidence? Why only Independent E-signatures? Why not dependent E-signatures? Independent E-Signatures gives complete ownership and control over your signatures and documents. E-signatures let you store documents on servers, without relying on third party to maintain unnecessary copies. Whereas dependent e-signatures links back to the e-signature vendor for verification. What if the links in your e-signature are broken or not linking? You could end up losing data. This technology white paper guides you on: How to pick the right e-signature solution for your organization? What are the consequences faced in dependent E-signatures? What are the benefits of Independent E-signature? Are you getting the independent evidence you need for your e-signatures? Download this white paper to understand the problems faced when you choose an improper e-signature solution and why choosing a right electronic signature is important for highly regulated industries in maintaining costs, improve document accuracy and enhance security.

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