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"SAP Change Control ROI"

SAP Change Control ROI: How to Project Economic Benefits Your CIO, CEO and CFO Can Believe

SAP Change Control ROI: How to Project Economic Benefits Your CIO, CEO and CFO Can Believe

White Paper: Revelation Software Concepts

SAP change control automation technology decisions, although often below the CIO's radar, are among the one's a CIO ought to at the very least, understand. 

Automation, enforceability, ease of configuration and use, and cost/time to implement can make or break an SAP change control automation project.

SAP change control automation software can ease the burden of managing releases in an SAP change control environment – in particular through its process configuration flexibility, process enforcement and governance management aided by its high change control visibility

This whitepaper on “SAP Change Control ROI: How to Project Economic Benefits Your CIO, CEO and CFO Can Believe,” explores the tangible gains (ROI) of SAP change control automation software. It highlights:

  • Benefits of SAP change control automation and enforcement

  • Areas where you can measure control automation ROI

  • Common SAP change control automation challenges experienced by SAP automation teams

  • Different types of SAP change control automation solutions

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