White Paper: Covenant Security Solutions, Inc
Information Sharing with SOPHIA has become an important aspect for organizations to improve the protection of their systems, process, or people based on the regional threat. By integrating SOPHIA's information sharing processes, it becomes easy for firms to share information on related risk profiles using modular functions.
If you want to improve the protection of systems and processes within your organization then download this whitepaper which covers the listed points:
This white paper refers to the day to day users of SOPHIA’s services and victims that suffer from any part of the cascading effects of a physical or cyber-security attack on a sector.
By: Hitachi Data Systems
Digital transformation isn't just a biggest challenge; it's also the best opportunity for IT pioneers. Data-driven digital transformation has the potential not only to address competitive threats posed by insurgents, but also to uncover opportunities for new business models and revenue streams. The key is for established companies to unlock the full potential of this important resource to fuel digital transformation and help to maintain their leadership positions in volatile and quickly evolving markets. This whitepaper provides insights on how to turn digital transformation from a challenge to a data-defined opportunity and the advantage offered by enterprise data. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: The Business Benefits of Digital Transformation The Top Considerations for CIOs, including advice from IT pioneers Five Keys to Digital Transformation Success
By: Xoomworks BI
What is an Electronic Auction and why should you care? How to successfully run eAuctions? Electronic Auctions promote fair competition and transparency, driven by market dynamics. Electronic Auction is a really great way to select the best suppliers and an ideal way to collect market feedback. This white paper gives the basics of eAuctions, ethics of eAuctions and provides guidance in running eAuctions successfully to achieve greater value in business. So do you think eAuctions make a difference? eAuctions can make 5% difference on final price you pay each time for goods and services. Company that runs eAuctions more gains more market value than the one which runs none. What are the different types of Electronic auctions and when should you use them? For all types of electronic auctions communication is the key. Each auction type differs on variations and parameters. Classic Reverse Auction used for larger number of supplier bidding. English Reverse Auction used when each bid is lower than the current bid. Dutch Auction type works well when there are less suppliers. Japanese Auction type is the reverse of Dutch Auction. Download this white paper to learn about how to successfully run eAuctions, And refer to the five golden rules for eAuctions success and addresses both the mechanics and behaviours of Procurement that drive the greatest value for organizations.