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"Why Are ERP Implementations Faster with KenandyTM?"

Why Are Implementations Faster with KenandyTM?

White Paper: Kenandy

For ERP implementation- whether it’s on-premise or on the cloud, you must address some key functional considerations to ensure a fast and successful deployment.

Implementation of an ERP system is not straightforward, but remembering some of these simple suggestions will help your project have a greater chance of success than ignoring them.

So, what happens if your business is highly innovative and you want to leverage your own best practices?

This whitepaper on “Why Are Implementations Faster with Kenandy?,” discusses the benefits of the new Cloud ERP system implementation plan. It focuses on:

  • The Traditional Waterfall vs. Agile Approach for ERP Implementation

  • Best practice guidelines of ERP system Implementation

  • Detailed view of Kenandy’s Agile approach

  • Cloud ERP Implementations for Quicken Time-to-Value

  • Avoid ERP implementation failure 

Why Are Implementations Faster with KenandyTM?
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